Product Description
Rusk Pan & Cutter (50cm X35cm X 3.5cm)
Are you craving freshly baked, homemade rusks, but don’t feel like all that effort? We have just the Rusk Pan & Cutter for you! Cut perfect rusks with this awesome tool.
Aluminium Rusk Pan & Cutter (50cm X35cm X 3.5cm) - Manufactured specifically for New Zealand LARGER ovens
How to use this Rusk Pan
1. Coat pan with cooking spray.
2. Place rusk dough into the pan base and spread evenly.
3. Spray rusk cutter with cooking spray.
4. Push cutter into the pan base to cut dough.
5. Remove the cutter from the pan before baking.
6. Bake rusks as required and cool completely before separating any pieces that may have ‘baked together’.
7. Dry rusks by storing in the oven at 100°C on a cooling rack. Bake rusks for 2 hours or until completely dried.
8. Enjoy!