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"Ek gee vir jou die land"...Ironic I thought

"Ek gee vir jou die land"...Ironic I thought

Ironic I thought...

We were invited to join a group of South Africans for a Music, it was awesome to see so many South Africans in one place...but it was SAD, and I burst into tears...especially singing song "Die Land"

"Ek gee vir jou die son en die see en die land my kind
Belowe jy sal my aan die einde vind
My vlag sal aanhou waai en die sade sal ek saai vir jou
En jou veilig hou

Ek los vir jou die son en die see en die land my kind
Die Here hoor my - Ons sal n lewe vind
My vlag sal aanhou waai en die sade sal ek saai vir jou
Ek belowe jou
Die land behoort aan jou"

We were all there standing singing this song while living in another country...we all left the country we we singing about...NEVER did I want leave that country, but I wanted to be safe and keep my children safe...give them a sense of community - a future we believed was somewhere else.

THEN IT STRUCK ME...South Africans are built on COMMUNITY - it's not the physical land...not built on pushing our believes down on other people, but we want to feel that we belong...somewhere.

Yes, we all want to have an easy life, but from the days of Jan van Riebeeck (not that I was there ;-) ) - but I imagine it was just as tough for them to leave their country and go to a new place...but they had to rely on each other...they were such a small group - not the 68,000 South Africans now in New Zealand...they knew who was a hairdresser, and who did nails...who had the best prices for oxcart rentals...;-)

So here is my DREAM...I WANT TO CREATE A COMMUNITY - so whether you are a hairdresser or renting "oxcarts" - we will add a blurb about your business on our page - that way other people in your area can also see it.

So...if you are interested - send us an email to with the following:

1. High resolution logo
2. Industry
3. Area in New Zealand
4. Max 200 words of what you do and the benefit to the South African community.
5. URL link to a Facebook page or website.

PS...We are here to make a living, and not compete with other South we are offering this FREE....its all about GIVING BACK.

If you want to know what this looks like...have a look on the website page -  "Community" - even if you do not have a business, tell us what other businesses you think will be beneficial to know about.

What are you looking for?